Hello World

Four simple Solidity hello world contracts are used as examples. Each takes a different approach, growing slightly more complex, in returning the Hello World! string.

Solidity smart contracts by themselves can not print a string. There is a separate Python program for each contract that uses simpleth get and print the string.

The Python programs are found in <Python sys.prefix dir>/examples. They and the contracts are ready for you to try.

The Solidity source for the contracts is found in <Python sys.prefix dir>/contracts.


HelloWorld1 Contract

The simplest way to display Hello World! is to set that string as the initial value of a public state variable in the contract and use simpleth to get that variable and display the string.

pragma solidity ^0.8;
contract HelloWorld1 {
    string public greeting = "Hello World!";
helloworld1.py - deploy contract / get greeting variable / print
sender = Blockchain().address(0)
c = Contract('HelloWorld1')
greeting = c.get_var('greeting')
Running helloworld1.py
$ python hello_world1.py
Hello World!

HelloWorld2 Contract

This contract has one function that returns the greeting string.

pragma solidity ^0.8;
contract HelloWorld2 {
    function getGreeting() public pure returns (string memory) {
        return 'Hello World!';
helloworld2.py - deploy contract / call the function to return the greeting / print
 from simpleth import Blockchain, Contract

 sender = Blockchain().address(0)
 c = Contract('HelloWorld2')
 greeting = c.call_fcn('getGreeting')
Running helloworld2.py
$ python hello_world2.py
Hello World!

HelloWorld3 Contract

This contract has a transaction that lets us set the greeting and a function to return the greeting.

pragma solidity ^0.8;
contract HelloWorld3 {
    string public greeting;

    function setGreeting(string memory _greeting) public {
        greeting = _greeting;

    function getGreeting() public view returns (string memory) {
        return greeting;
helloworld3.py - Deploy contract / run transaction to set greeting / run function to return greeting / print
from simpleth import Blockchain, Contract

sender = Blockchain().address(0)
c = Contract('HelloWorld3')
c.run_trx(sender, 'setGreeting', 'Hello World!')
greeting = c.call_fcn('getGreeting')
Running helloworld3.py
$ python hello_world3.py
Hello World!

HelloWorld4 Contract

This contract uses a constructor that takes the greeting as an arg and emits an event with the greeting.

 1pragma solidity ^0.8;
 2contract HelloWorld4 {
 3    string public greeting;
 5    event HelloWorld4Constructed(
 6        uint timestamp,
 7        address sender,
 8        string initGreeting,
 9        address HelloWorld4
10    );
12    constructor(string memory _initGreeting) {
13        greeting = _initGreeting;
14        emit HelloWorld4Constructed(
15            block.timestamp,
16            msg.sender,
17            greeting,
18            address(this)
19        );
20    }
helloworld4.py - Deploy contract with greeting / get event / print greeting
from simpleth import Blockchain, Contract, EventSearch

sender = Blockchain().address(0)
c = Contract('HelloWorld4')
c.deploy(sender, 'Hello World!')
e = EventSearch(c, 'HelloWorld4Constructed')
event = e.get_old()
Running helloworld4.py
$ python hello_world4.py
Hello World!